Melissa St Clair
1 min readMar 12, 2024


Life Healers at your service, where we help anyone who is in need of some kind of energy healing and support in their life.

Are you in need of protection wherever you go? Are you feeling like you are out of control sometimes and in need of grounding? Are you in need of balance in your life? Do you feel like you are there for everyone else but no one is there for you?

We are here to help with all of that by guiding you into a place of peace within yourself. When you are ready to be there for you we will be here to save space for you with love and compassion. We are all about support. Please copy and paste the link down below on the server or call us when you are open to healing. Don’t you think it’s time for you to feel the healing energy you deserve now?

You all have a beautiful day.
Universal love,

Life Healers Missy St.Clair & Rick Bouton
(661) 674-5088



Melissa St Clair

I am a spiritual healer who has been receiving downloads from spirit. I am very grateful for all I have learned