Melissa St Clair
3 min readSep 3, 2024


Interesting facts about History

From the beginning of time until now

I have been having another interesting conversation with Rick, my husband, the other day about history. If you break the word down it comes out HIS story. So the thing about history is that anyone can say anything they want that may have happened in history and anyone can write things down at the time that it’s happening, but whatever is either thought of or written down is all a matter of a perspective of that person in whatever state of mind they are in. So if there was a lot of animosity or anger going on at that time then that’s what people will write about. If there was something amazing happening then that’s what they are going to think or write about at that moment.

What's amazing about all of what is going on with it all is we all can change our perspective on what we learned in history so that we don't have to let it all affect us in a negative way.

When I was working on compassion key healing and I was working on healing my perspective of my father I was seeing my father in a negative way, but when I did the healing I did on my feelings about all of it and I worked on love and forgiveness with him I saw my childhood in a much different light. I was able to see a much more loving relationship with my father that helped me express my love for my father. I feel so much happier and more healthy because of it and I have a much more amazing relationship with Rick because of it…



Melissa St Clair

I am a spiritual healer who has been receiving downloads from spirit. I am very grateful for all I have learned