Melissa St Clair
2 min readJun 19, 2024


The State of Being Compared to the State of Thinking

Whenever we get into the state of thinking then we have more of a tendency to feel fear, doubt, shame, self loathing and pain. When we do this we end up looking outside of ourselves to find someone or something to blame for it. When we do that then we are looking for the drama and always want to rush towards it subconsciously and something happens to us and we want to blame whatever it was that affected us.

When we are in the state of being we then observe our thoughts and we realize we are not our thoughts and then we feel love, abundant, beautiful, excited, blessed and happy. When we are feeling that way we become more aware of our surroundings and we work towards the positive things in our life and attract more like minded people.

When people start realizing how we are identifying with the wounded aspects of ourselves then we will be more willing to heal our wounded ego so that we no longer allow that to be our reality anymore.

When we get into the state of thinking then our ego will do everything it can to keep us safe, but people don’t realize how our subconscious mind is what keeps us in the loop of all of the drama that is going on out there.

If you want to think about something, think about this, when there is an accident on the road and you are driving by that accident what is the first thing you do? You…



Melissa St Clair

I am a spiritual healer who has been receiving downloads from spirit. I am very grateful for all I have learned